Vikki Copp

Vikki Copp

Born and raised with the conviction that travel is as enriching as academic education, I embarked on a personal journey of exploration and discovery from an early age. This unique perspective shaped me, both personally and professionally, nurturing an insatiable curiosity and a deep appreciation for the world's diverse cultures and landscapes. 

Upon graduating from college, I was privileged to join the team at Tourism British Columbia, a pivotal experience that enhanced and refined my travel and organizational skills. Orchestrating group events and functions, I honed my ability to create memorable experiences, navigating the complexities and joys of group travel. 

Life blessed me with a partner who shares my passion for exploration. Together, we introduced a love for travel to our son, who began his own journey at the tender age of four months. 

My unique specialization lies in the realms of Disney and cruise lines. As a graduate of Disney College, I carry a wealth of knowledge and insider insights into the magical world of Disney. Moreover, I hold credentials from leading cruise lines, staying abreast of their offerings through continuous learning. 

Whether it's family travel, group journeys, or adventures as empty nesters, I bring a wealth of personal experience to each scenario. Travel matters not just for the destination, but for the unforgettable "passport moments" and the stories that we weave along the journey. 

So, how can I assist you in creating those special moments?

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